“Sorry Lisa, but I don’t have any more money left. I just gave my last 500 to Neal.”

She looks at you with disgust even more.


She flips the bowl your son was eating out of into his face and knocks the chair over with him on it. She takes the money chip and walks out the door, grabbing a bottle of soylent out of the fridge on her way out.

Your son begins to cry. For a 15 year old, he acts like a toddler, likely from the chemicals pumped into him.

“Neal, you need to man up a bit. Nobody should tolerate what just happened and that’s no reason to cry.”

He gets back up on his chair, still crying.

“But it’s always like that, and it’ll never change. All the boys in the class are told over and over again that we’re useless, only serving as sperm donors and checkbooks to keep society working for women, and we’re privileged by birth which is why we have to be lower class citizens.”

You look at him and decided to commit thought crime.
“In all honesty, what they’re teaching you is pure bullshit. Nobody is privileged by birth naturally, only society creates that. People interpenetrated society as some mythical patriarchy in which men always put down women which wasn’t the case. In fact, society was changing as much as it could to benefit women, for example in this country, we gave women the right to vote only a hundred years earlier when I voted in my first election. That was back when straight white guys had the right to vote.”

“Wow, is this all true?” He asks, looking like he wants to hear more.

“Yes, it was, but don’t go around telling anyone that, if you don’t, I’ll tell you some stories of when I was your age tonight when everyone’s asleep.”

He smiles at you.

“Thanks Dad.”
He grabs his messenger bag and walks out the door. You still hear your wife moaning from loud sex. She likely had two people in the room with her and not just one.

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